Something about the way. Something about the way you look in my eyes
You make everything so damn easy,
So easy that I dont got to worry about a thing.
Baby, when we touch... all I can see is the image of us
Sitting next to each other by the beach at the dusk..
Sippin' on a juicebox, with sand between our toes
AJ Rafael - "When we say"
The moment of truth
Captured with my tiny eyes ;p
And I fell for you.
I just wish that you could see what I sees in you.
You're perfect in my eyes.
I likes
the way you smile:)
the way you laugh.
the way we hugs
the way we hold hands
the way we kiss
the way you're clumsy
the way you act silly & stupid
the way when you were surprised.
the way when you're shy *blush*
the way you always feel hard & guilty when I act pity
the way you're softhearted and kind
the way you smell , Your scent
the way you push me away when I try to kiss you.
the way you moves your legs when you're exiciting and happy
the way you call me babay
the way you call my full name *Tiah Kok Chin*
the way you say I'm silly
the way you are straight forward
the way you are being yourself
the way you care about me
the way you care about everyone,but forget about yourself
the way you get touched when you're watching movie
the way you fall as sleep in my arm
the way you trying not to let the scene cold down and keep on talking.
the way you are spoiled
the way you act like you're not paying attetion. Yet actually heard them all.
the way you craving for snacks & delicous food
Just the way you are:)

Don't try to change yourself for others,Just be you. yourself.
Because you don't even know how beautiful you are:)
If someone can give you a reason to why they love you, they don't love you, they like you. Love is based on emotion not definition.
This is the reason why, I can't give you a reason when you asked me.
I think, I've fall in love with you unconsciously.
Your sadness and hurts, I can feel it ...
I'll be sad because I love you...
I'll used up all my strenght just to protect you ...
I need time to complete my foundation, If there's no stable income/job mean there's no stable solid love.
I care about all your every single little things, I will be sad when you're hurt ,I can only blame yourself....
I don't know where I stand with you. And I don't know what I mean to you. All I know is every time I think of you, I want to be with you.
I'm afraid to tell you . Cause I scared it would affect our relationship...
可以牵着你的小手, 就足够了.
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