Thursday, February 16, 2012

The past

I din't mention about my past

It's becasue I'm no longer living in my past.
So there's nothing much left for me to remember and mention about
there's a reason why they are the past.
and you're my present baby

but if you want to know.
Just ask me:)
I'll tell you every little bit of it.

I know I'm still young
And I talks alot of bullshit (maybe to you?)Day dreaming
but If I never thought of it/Dream of it.
how would I ever achieve it?
I know things aren't easy, that's why I need to work hard.
Things aren't always goes in the way you wanted or expected in your life
So we must work hard for it.
I wanna give u the life you always wanted.
the live you used to live.
Not becaue Im showing my sympathy towards you
It's because I Love You
Bcasue I wanted you to have a good life with me without regreting anything
I love you, So do our children in the future?
So I have to work hard for me.
I know I'm just using my fingers to type / my mouth to talk
Let me prove it to you

I'll do it!! I must do it! I can do it!!

I love you babey girl with all my heart.
I'll fight for you, till my heart stops beating.

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